Some of these projects have come and gone, while other challanges are on-going.

"All Night Live" ran for a year. This was a "live" show featuring adult music and callers from across the US and Canada. The show was picked up by several internet stations and several terrestrial operations as well. We ran 5 nights a week, then took a break..

Saturday Night Live, again picked up by several operations, featuring up-tempo music.

We're currently testing a Tuesday evening show again with adult music and callers, being picked up by Humboldt in California. If we can generate enough interest this will be expanded to 5 nights a week. We're in "test mode" at the moment.

Commercial Radio
Studio B has fed live shows to commercial (terrestrial) stations during various day parts (mornings, mid-days, nights)
We run either off the software in Studio B, or remotely run the radio station software, or in some cases both at the same time.

Studio B has been used for voicing promos, radio commercials and television commercials. Voice-track work has also been sent out for stations without their own live announcers.

Other Uses
As of summer /07 the Southern Ontario Western New York Radio Board ( has been using the Studio B facilities for their own live one hour show dealing with the radio business

Beta Testing
We'be been beta testing professional music scheduling software for the past year, helping to find bugs and suggest options for future releases to the public. This is software used both for internet radio and terresterial operations.

We're also helping to co-ordinate another test of a new system which will allow internet stations to insert commercials into their shows, originating from an ad agency off-site.

Current Studio B Projects

Saturday Night "live" show.
6pm to 10pm Pacific Time

Carried by:, California
KYA Radio, Washington Vancouver

Tuesday night "live" show

Carried by:
Humboldt 101, California

The SOWNY Show
Hosted by Craig M. Smith
Monday evening 7pm - 8pm

Played from and archived at:

All shows can be listened to from this site as well.
As noted elsewhere this is not a 24/7 operation.
Studio B only feeds "live" shows to other operations who do operate full time.

During "off times" there will be nothing coming out of Studio B. If you're running certain Windows software you may even get a scary error message warning of a possible virus (depending on which Windows version you have).
That error is not accurate. Studio B only feeds out standard audio streams and nothing else.